Books by Janice Hostetter
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Janice Hostetter

Janice Hostetter is an author of beautifully illustrated picture books, fulfilling a lifelong dream that began with scribbling stories in spiral notebooks. Her upbringing in Appalachia has infused her tales with the warm wonder of her home region, drawing from the rich storytelling traditions of her childhood. As a proud mother to five human babies and two fur babies, she finds endless inspiration in the laughter and chaos of family life. 

When Janice isn’t penning tales or immersed in a good book, you can find her behind the lens, capturing the beauty of nature through photography. She finds joy sharing cherished moments with her loved ones and connecting with the great outdoors during camping trips. Through her creative pursuits and love for exploration, she continues to weave tales that spark the imaginations of young readers. 


An Alien Took my Cheese

Brave little Owen wakes up to discover his snack missing. When the family dog blames an alien, he and his trusty canine embark on an adventure to find out if an extraterrestrial really did take his cheese. Full of humor, heart, and a hint of intergalactic intrigue, “An Alien Took My Cheese” is a delightful, quick-read mystery that young readers...

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The Ballad of Levi Locust

Levi Locust is a banjo-playing mountain bug with a song in his heart - but every time he tries to play his music, he is shooed away by the other bugs! Determined to find a place of his own, Levi embarks on a grand journey in search of a spot to sing his song. Despite numerous rejections, Levi doesn’t give up hope. His perseverance paves the way...

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Mysteries, Problem Solving, and Jumping to Conclusions! Young minds thrive on curiosity and exploration. Here are a few reading ideas to help you nourish that curiosity.

August’s Newsletter is here! This month, we are discussing individuality, belonging, and inclusion. Levi Locust certainly sings this tune, and we are proud to share some other wonderful reads that fit the bill, too! Know of others? Let me know!

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